Bouquet "Peach morning"
The Peach Morning bouquet envelops you in a delicate and light palette dominated by warm peach and blue shades. These colors create an atmosphere of morning freshness and calmness, as if the first rays of sunlight touch the flower petals.
The fragrance of the bouquet is subtle, with light notes of sweetness and freshness that remind of a spring garden after the rain. This bouquet is ideal for refined and joyful moments - weddings, anniversaries or as a gentle compliment to a dear person.
It consists of peony roses and hydrangeas, whose shades and shapes harmoniously intertwine, creating a light and airy composition. The packaging is made in pastel colors with transparent matte film, which only emphasizes the natural beauty of flowers and adds elegance to the bouquet. Peach Morning is the embodiment of purity and harmony, ideal for the brightest and most romantic events in life.
- City Center – 4.99 EUR
- Riga (other districts) - 6.99 EUR
- Rizhsky district ( Marupe, Babītē, Piņķi, Salaspils, Balož, Berģi and others) – 12.99 EUR
- Jūrmala, Ādaži, Carnikava, Ogre - 19.99 EUR
Please note that delivery can only be arranged for orders over 40 euros.
If the delivery is carried out outside the Riga region and to the regions of far Jurmala, the store can contact you to clarify the delivery cost.
Flower delivery in Riga and Jurmala outside working hours can be carried out at a double rate.
To deliver flowers outside the Riga region, please contact us to clarify the cost of delivery +371 20018700
We value your time and do our best to make it easy and enjoyable for you to work with our company!
Wherever you are now, at any time, day or night, you can place and pay for your order in the most convenient way. SIA, 40103936979
Forms of payment
- Bank transfer
- AS Swedbank LV16HABA0551040822373 | Reg.numer. 40103936979 |
- PayPal ([email protected])
- Bank cards (Visa, Master Card)
There is a cumulative loyalty system for registered customers!
Haven't you bought from us? Register an account and start accumulating points (the system also works when buying in our stores)
The Peach Morning bouquet envelops you in a delicate and light palette dominated by warm peach and blue shades. These colors create an atmosphere of morning freshness and calmness, as if the first rays of sunlight touch the flower petals.
The fragrance of the bouquet is subtle, with light notes of sweetness and freshness that remind of a spring garden after the rain. This bouquet is ideal for refined and joyful moments - weddings, anniversaries or as a gentle compliment to a dear person.
It consists of peony roses and hydrangeas, whose shades and shapes harmoniously intertwine, creating a light and airy composition. The packaging is made in pastel colors with transparent matte film, which only emphasizes the natural beauty of flowers and adds elegance to the bouquet. Peach Morning is the embodiment of purity and harmony, ideal for the brightest and most romantic events in life.
- City Center – 4.99 EUR
- Riga (other districts) - 6.99 EUR
- Rizhsky district ( Marupe, Babītē, Piņķi, Salaspils, Balož, Berģi and others) – 12.99 EUR
- Jūrmala, Ādaži, Carnikava, Ogre - 19.99 EUR
Please note that delivery can only be arranged for orders over 40 euros.
If the delivery is carried out outside the Riga region and to the regions of far Jurmala, the store can contact you to clarify the delivery cost.
Flower delivery in Riga and Jurmala outside working hours can be carried out at a double rate.
To deliver flowers outside the Riga region, please contact us to clarify the cost of delivery +371 20018700
We value your time and do our best to make it easy and enjoyable for you to work with our company!
Wherever you are now, at any time, day or night, you can place and pay for your order in the most convenient way. SIA, 40103936979
Forms of payment
- Bank transfer
- AS Swedbank LV16HABA0551040822373 | Reg.numer. 40103936979 |
- PayPal ([email protected])
- Bank cards (Visa, Master Card)
There is a cumulative loyalty system for registered customers!
Haven't you bought from us? Register an account and start accumulating points (the system also works when buying in our stores)